Coding Convenience: Open Source Guid Generation Extensions for VS & VS Code

Osman Koç
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Greetings, fellow developers! I would like to say hello with my first post on Medium. I share very rare articles on my blog site The articles on my website are written in Turkish, my mother tongue. To be honest, I haven’t shared anything new for a long time. I wanted to share my first English post here.

“Hi, it’s me!”

Since this is my first post, let me introduce myself very, very briefly. As a computer engineer, I have been working professionally in the software field for more than 6 years.

Although my specialty is backend development, I have also had experience in front-end in the past. I have also personally developed and published mobile applications.

I love creating and learning new things. In this article, I will talk about creating a Visual Studio plugin, which I tried to do for the first time. Let’s get there if you are ready.

Guid Generator Extension

Guid Generator Extension Icon

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a nifty little tool that’s about to simplify your coding life. You know those moments when you need a unique identifier for your project, but you don’t want to spend ages crafting one yourself? Well, say hello to my GUID Generation Extensions for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code — your new best coding buddies.

What is Guid?

Now, I won’t get too technical, but let’s just say that a GUID (globally unique identifier) is a 128-bit text string that represents an identification (ID). Organizations generate GUIDs when a unique reference number is needed to identify information on a computer or network. A GUID can be used to ID hardware, software, accounts, documents, and other items.

Magic: Just a Simple Shortcut

No need for complicated rituals or secret incantations — just a simple shortcut, and voila! You’ve got yourself a shiny new GUID ready to roll. It’s like having your own coding wizard by your side, conjuring up unique IDs at your command.

But here’s the best part — I’m not keeping this magic to myself. Oh no, I believe in the power of sharing and caring. That’s why I’ve made these extensions open-source and available on GitHub. So, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to peek behind the curtain, go right ahead. After all, we’re all on this coding journey together, right?

Download / View Code

So there you have it, my friends. My GUID Generation Extensions — making your coding adventures a little more enchanting. Give them a try.

Visual Studio Extension

Visual Studio Code Extension

Happy coding!

